| This love of the natural world has continued to grow and now I get to choose and sell some fabulous brands making some amazing products, using an array of ingredients Mother Nature has provided. Back in 1996 after several years working in admin, PR and marketing, I decided to retrain and start a journey learning about how important our health is, and the many things we can do and use to stay well. I’d watched the transformation that happened to my Mum when she took her Reiki I and II courses. Reiki had such a positive impact on her wellbeing and outlook on life, and I was intrigued to see what it was all about. I booked my first Reiki I course, and this started a 25+ year journey of learning and exploration, and I have never looked back. My Reiki I course led me on to training as a massage therapist offering several forms of massage therapy, followed by reflexology, and more recently facials, nutrition and peri / menopause. I continue to attend further CPD training to expand on the knowledge I already have. If you’re interested in my journey as a holistic therapist, you can read more on my therapist page. If you’ve read the story behind how Sophia’s Choice came to be, you will know that when my eldest daughter was born, the products I was using for her became much more important, and this took me on a journey of discovering brands and products which were natural, organic, eco-friendly and much more sustainable. This journey continues and I love discovering new brands that are making a difference and keeping us happy and healthy. Thank you for being here, and I hope whether you are shopping for products, or are booking yourself a relaxing treatment, you enjoy your experience here at Sophia’s Choice. |